Hi, Friends.While writing this, I am not able to control my emotions.My eyes have started supporting my feelings.The miss to our college, our life, our enjoyment has now become a memory.I am on a leave today due to heavy rain and just watching the snaps that we had taken together.Our funny moments are now just snaps.We are not in contact for many months or years. But we are still having the same feeling towards our college "We Miss You".I am really proud to be a part of GHITM Engineering College.
I could remember the day I joined my college rather we all joined with a dream,with a passion and with a hectic past.We were not at all aware of the new culture & trend that we call it as "ragging" technically.I believe that Engineering College is a place where the same minded students meet to explore and also the place where the odd minded people have to change their perception.Ha Ha, Because I had to change myself a bit and it's not just to get adjusted in the flow rather to enjoy life differently.
We became friends.We tried to start sharing our sadness & happiness.We maintained unity in every aspect.We laughed when someone was happy and we also cried with someone's cry.Life gradually became beautiful for us.A concept of family was developing among us.Our bonds were just getting stronger & stronger.Can you remember those days when we used to run behind the jungles to get saved from our seniors to avoid ragging ... ? But after some days, ragging became a habit for us to interact with our seniors. The days we spent only in our uniform were the salad days of our life. The painful ride in the bus to our college were somehow changed when we started going in our hired bus.It was just like a picnic.The bond is still alive among us, but the difference is, to be in contact we have to make a STD Call.
The unity we showed in bunking the classes & in bunking the internals will really make us smile anytime. Library was our favorite place in the college.Every one who entered the college would definitely update his/her attendance in the library first.The completion of lab records in a very little time was the most funniest, isn't it ? The discussion on various topics (you understand what do I mean) were the toughest argument in library.Being the seniors, helping the juniors in any means were our target.How studious we were can easily be traced out by verifying our internal exam sheet. Ha ha ... I still could feel the moments so lively. Library was the place for every student of any branch and could be used for any purpose leaving the studies. Long live Library... !!!
*There were very few students in every branch those who were not at all confident on their own ability. So, to avoid that, they used to attend every classes and even the Extra classes too.(*mark shows what I wrote is false) ha ha... This was our own funda till we were in college and changed later on. Doing practicals were the biggest achievement for us in our time. We were very sincere in the practical classes at least.I changed my place from the regular group to the group of lateral entries. generally Lateral entry guys know more than us and very strong on the field of practical.But it was not at all the reason to change the group for me, rather i got more opportunity to enjoy the life with them.Their living style, studying style were just similar to mine.How long can a monkey stay separated from his group... ??? So, I joined them. Let me tell you an interesting issue... When we used to go for our grand viva at the end of our course, our own HOD was not able to recognize us... Right now you can understand how famous we were... It's right that we were not regular to our classes but we never believed on cheating in semesters, we never mis-behaved our girls or even our teachers. We were offended many times by our teachers due to our low attendance,marks scored in internals, and even for the answers during the viva, but we used to avoid such situation only by showing our teeth ... Hee Hee Hee... This is how we denied the tension to reach to us till the semesters.
In the semesters, leaving only us, no body was expecting a grade of pass for us.But we always won the battle in the field of exam hall against the toughest question set by our University. Yes, it is right that due to lack of practice, sometimes we were out for a duck, but in the very next chance we were the Men of the Match. It was really astonishing for our batch mate and for our teachers too. They did not know our secret formula to achieve the success. That was "One night stand before the Exam" ... What ever we did in 3 months never mattered to us.But the day before exam was booked for our study only.We used to divide the modules among us and start making understand others regarding the topic.So we were our own teachers on that day. We read by ourselves and wrote the script on the exam paper. We are really thankful to our teachers at least to understand our value of writing.
Time & Tide waits for none. Who ever has said this must be a respected person. Vow! What a thought... We were approaching to the end of our Third Year with this kind of life. We were bored and were planning to have an adventurous tour to a distant place for change of our mood. (Ha ha... I know what you are thinking)So with the prior permission from our Authorities,our batch mate Girls, a program was fixed to visit Maa Tarini in Ghatagaon with Sana Ghagara & Bada Ghagara. I am missing with the snaps of that tour. So it would be very hard for me to proof the enjoyment.But everyone was on the song in that tour. The tour was almost of Two days and how the days went , very difficult to interpret. We had Antakhari, played Cricket, had an awesome boating on the spot. The major thing was to visit Maa's Temple. It was a call from Maa to visit her and to get blessed.Due to the blessings of My Maa everything went fine in that tour.This was the most successful tour in our college history and with a high satisfaction to our teachers.
The time we reached the final year, we were almost treated as Engineers.The time was passing so fast and according to that we changed our place of meeting. It was changed either to the steps that lead to the third floor or directly to the terrace. The beauty of my college can be easily felt from the top.A vast area in green all around, and the building situated on the center.It was really awesome time to spend on the roof when we used to get any off time. Till this time our mentality were a bit changed. We were serious to our role and were attending the classes regularly and also studying at least one month before our semester. May be, time made it possible for us. We were changed and were happy to be in the new form of life.
It was the time to give our last dedication to our college and to our juniors.The College Function ... ELIXIR-2008. We knew, The preparation and the organization would show our own creativity and the capacity to handle the responsibility.So everyone was busy in his/her contribution to make it a huge success. Different items were prepared like dance competition, GHITM Idol, Group dance, Solo dance, Plays and competitions of quiz, Meet the Press, Just One Minute, Antakhari and many more... Ha ha... The masti was on the song. Every one was happy for their existence.We were just thinking how beautiful life really is !!! But the day turned in to night.We started realizing that we would be no more

Something about my College:
I was a proud student of Ghanashayam Hemalata Institute Of technology & Management. My college is situated around 17 Kms away from Puri in the Marine Drive road leading to Konark.What I want to say about my college is it changed us completely. It gave us a designation. It supported us for four years. I became an Engineer for my college only. I am too happy with the College Administration, Education system and the GHITM culture... I am proud to say I am a GHTMian ... I love you my college ...
Keep Smiling.
Mahaprasad Mishra.
Keep Smiling.
Mahaprasad Mishra.
brother very good lines....missing those days....we all know this is the path of life...we have to continue on that..
ReplyDeleteYes,,, I have to agree with your words... Because we cant bring the past to present ... Let the life go in its way ... Have a smiling day Bhai ...
ReplyDeletebro..dis is awesome
ReplyDeleteThanx Roshan ...
ReplyDeletei thnk dats how cllage life can be described.............
ReplyDeletefun to read
bro u did every thng in cllage which would help me follow ur footprints
Thanx Bhai.